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We do not have yellow bus service to our school. There is an Edmonton Transit Route across from the school.

Traffic Safety and Parking

School Safety Patrols

Student Safety Patrols head outside everyday to help our children cross the street safely.

Our school safety patrols follow the province-wide procedures. They use the “Point, Pause and Proceed” pedestrian street-crossing system. You will see our patrollers doing the following sequence to help children cross the street safely:

Point – To indicate to motorists that you want to cross the street

Pause – To check if the road is clear and to make eye contact with any motorists that stopped.

Proceed – When it is safe to do so, cross the road and continue to look both ways.

Paying attention to this point-pause-proceed method could save a life so we ask that you share this information with neighbours who do not have children attending school.



Please take a moment review our dropoff procedure. Web Application works best on a computer.